Client Success Stories
One of the best things about what we do is seeing our clients reap the benefits of our expertise, makes everything worth it! Hear what they have to say below.
Client Success Stories
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To kick off our most special Vinnie’s campaign ever, we teamed up with the incredibly talented musicians Matt Charles and Andrew Loadsman to get into the studio and record our charity anthem ‘A Little Means a Lot’. Thanks so much to Mark D’Angelo and the Backlot Studios for bringing this poem to life. Still gives us chills everytime.
Chris Christofi once again spent a night sleeping on the streets for his 4th Vinnie’s CEO sleepout. After raising progressively more and more in previous years, Chris placed 4th amongst CEO’ss nationally after raising over $113,000, after Chris pledged to match ever donation dollar for dollar.
Despite being a virtual event this year owing to covid restrictions, Vinnie’s set a new donation record with $9.4 million raised nationally.
Chris pledged that the following year, he would be the first Vinnie’s CEO to raise over $250,000.
Chris takes part in his first Vinnies CEP Sleepout. He exceeds his $40,000 target by raising $40,185 placing him 12th out of 1,462 CEO’s nationwide and in the top $1% of fundraisers across Australia.
You can check out Chris’ first ever LinkedIn post talking about his experiences on that first sleepout by clicking here.
After raising over $40,000 the previous year, Chris and the Reventon team are determined to beat that, and this year manage to beat their target of $60,000, raising $60,564 for homeless Victorians, after Chris promised to match every dollar donation with 50c of his own money. This year Vinnies hit a new record of $7.87 million nationally.
After raising over $60,000 in 2019, this year Chris and Reventon manage to easily clear their target of $80,000 and raised $82,177 after Chris vowed to match ever dollar donated with 75c of his own money.
Matt Charles from We Gift Wrap worked with Chris to produce a song raising awareness of Chris campaign.
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